Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Homework Babay

Lets get fruity tuity. You really need to finish your handout. While your at it pull out reading glasses and start glancing at Sonnet 130. For dessert read the bio of John Dunne (PG.264). Imma put this on repeat so to be clear and fresh, you must read sonnet 130, read the bio of John Dunne and finish the handout given last class. If ya'll do that then you will be stip steppin to success.

                                                                                                                La Freak C'est Chic

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Hello classmates,

Today we furthered our ever-growing passion for the renaissance; we discussed sonnets, and were introduced to a myriad of renaissance-period poets such as Christopher Marlowe and Walter Raleigh. Your assignment(s): read through the handouts we received in class and answer the corresponding questions on the backsides on the sheets, make annotations for key lines of the poems, and also some readings; Shakespeare biography (pg. 164-65) and Sonnet 29 (pg. 167).

Friday, October 18, 2013


What's up lit buddies? In class, we finished up our "Everyman" discussion and did some review sheets on the Middle Ages. Your homework is to finish the review sheet on "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and also read the intro to the Renaissance unit from page 127 to 140. There will be a test on Tuesday on the Middle Ages unit so be sure to review your books. Also, if you haven't finished your Canterbury Tales project, be sure to get that in as soon as possible to avoid further deductions.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Help is on the Way

Although all any student really needs is his or her textbook and notes, here is the powerpoint I presented in class today.
Study well, my 'friends'.

Right Here!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



Last day's Lit Class was spent reading Everyman; therefore these questions will be due next class/tomorrow. We also have a test on the Middle Ages (Chaucer yenno?) on October 22. In addition, the Canterbury Tales Assignment is now overdue. If you haven't completed it, don't stress, just get it done ASAP and hand it in.



Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Blogging Blahs?

Just a timely reminder that student blogs need to be completed no later than 9pm on the night of Lit class (unless otherwise discussed with me in class).
Part of your mark in Lit is allocated to blogging consistently and correctly.

Good night.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Please complete Everyman the Morality play and do the corresponding questions that I gave to you in the handout.
This play completes our first unit and ends the Anglo-Saxon- Medieval Period, thus, it is reasonable to expect a unit test in the very near future. Observe:
Tuesday: Everyman
Thursday: Wrap up/Review/Begin Renaissance Period (time permitting)
Friday: Exam (I'm pretty sure we have class this Fri)
Tuesday: Bonus Assignment due (and exam if no Fri class)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Wasssaap party people,

Today in the glorious day 2 D block we went over the Pardoner's tale. We discussed the drunk peeps and there quest to find death... money is the root of all evil and nothing good comes when your an am drinker. Your requirements for Thursday is to chill with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, they'll be waiting for you on pages 89-96. Also y'all need to pick up the pen and paper and answer those gruelling 5 reading check questions. I wish you the best in this endeavour, may the force be with you.

I'll be waiting,
                                                                                                                                              jk playas its Brittany