Monday, February 29, 2016

Gang gang gang gang gang

Today in class we discussed Shakespeare's Sonnet 29 and reviewed the writing of Francis Bacon.
For homework read the Jacobean Age "Metaphysical Poets" and finish reading the history section starting on page 128, answer remainder of questions (7-10).


(This is Noah

Friday, February 26, 2016

Shepherds and Studies and Sonnets, Oh My!

Today we finished off discussing the Passionate Shepherd and the Nymph's Response, and looked at Francis Bacon's essay "Of Studies." 

Your homework this weekend is to read the section in your textbook on pages 152-153 called "The Sonnet," read Sonnet 29 on page 167, and do all the questions for both on the sheet Mrs. Loconte gave us today.

Fun Fact:
When J.R.R. Tolkien taught English Literature in university, he would start off the first day of class by waiting for all his students to enter the lecture hall before throwing open the doors at the back dramatically and striding down the aisle reciting the first 50 lines of Beowulf.  In the original Old English.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's Lit

Couldn't think of a punny blog post title.

Today we powered through literary works from the Renaissance, particularly sonnets.

Work on your Canterbury Tales projects tonight and, if you wish for bonus marks, your Middle Ages bonus projects too.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

So About That Bonus...

Hey all, state what bonus assignment you're going to be doing in the comments below!

(I, Yejung, am doing the 2nd assignment: a short report about chivalry and the perfect knight.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Terrible Tuesdays

(This is actually Ashley this time)

Test tomorrow on the Middle Ages. The test will include two parts: matching (character names with description, some history) and paragraphs (3 in total out of 8 options, one must be about Beowulf). There will be a bonus question on the history section.

If you are wanting to do the bonus assignment, be aware that it is due along with the middle age product, on Friday.

No homework tonight, other than preparation for the test... which is technically optional but highly recommended.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Mondays Should Be Optional

(This is Amanda)

Today we brainstormed all topics we've covered in Lit (virtues, vices, line quote...) and went through the rest of the Everyman Questions. We then ended class with reading Bonny Barbara Allan.
For homework, read page 109 & also start reading pages 122-123 for class.

Friday, February 19, 2016

"And Everyman sighed in relief, for the mighty Weekend had finally arrived in all his glory"

Today we did our quiz on the Pardoners Tale and discussed Everyman.
Homework: Finish off question sheet for Everyman for Monday.

Favourite song to start a weekend to:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Gawain, the Green Knight, and Everyman.

We finished reading  about Gawain and the Green Knight in class today.

Read "Everyman" on page 111, and answer questions 1-10 on the handout. Due Friday

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


(This is Noah)

Today in class we finished the Chaucerian Couplet worksheet. And read The Pardoner's Tale.

For homework finish the intro of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and read half of it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tired Tuesdays

Finish the "Name that Pilgrim" worksheet for tomorrow.
Get some rest.
That's all.

Monday, February 15, 2016

"Simple folk never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats." -Mephistopheles, Faust.


On this day we studied the wonderfully illustrative and sarcastic texts of Canterbury Tales. In addition we discussed some questions regarding the textbook.

Your task at hand is to carefully study the texts, do the questions for the character and stop at the Pardoner.

"There, as chance wills, let pain and pleasure, success and frustration, alternate; unceasing activity alone reveals our worth."

Go and do likewise, my good friends.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Thank St. Loy It's Friday!

Today we discussed the Nun, the Monk, and the Friar of Canterbury Tales, and went over the Merchant and the Oxford Cleric.

Your homework is:
Read and do the questions for the characters up to (and including) the Doctor

Have a good weekend!

Might I remind you our blog has yet to be titled...

Don't complain!

Hello, I am back at day one. This morning I complained about the natural, fluoride toothpaste my husband bought made with tea-tree oil. To be fair, it is quite unpleasant (not a complaint, just my personal preference). As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew it was time to reset the days....

Good luck on this most challenging of challenges!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Toknight's Homework

Tomorrow's early Valentine's Day at Carver!

We had the last full-length class of the week today, in which we read (or at least, tried to) some Old English, Geoffrey Chaucer's biography, and started reading the prologue of The Canterbury Tales.

Your homework tonight is to finish reading the introduction of the Medieval Period section in the textbook and complete questions #7-10 on page 54 AND to read the nun, monk, and friar's character introductions in The Canterbury Tales and answer their corresponding questions in the Canterbury Tales handouts.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wacky Wednesday

Today's class we wrapped up Beowulf by watching the animated interpretation. Your homework for tonight is to start reading "The Old English Period", found on page 41. Please read up until "The Crusades" (page 50) and answer questions #1-6 (page 54).

Monday, February 1, 2016

Welome to Your Destiny!

(cue dramatic music)

Since all of the literature we are studying comes from England, it makes sense for us to understand how this (once) great nation came to be; thus, today we reviewed the conquests, great leaders (Alfred, Bebe) and culture of Britain by beginning in the Middles Ages.

Your homework for tonight is to create a riddle of 7 to 15 lines. End it with "What am I?". Have fun trying to stump us. Please have it typed or neatly printed for me to collect (again, not for marks...per se).

Here's to the start of what looks to be a promising semester!

p.s. accept my invitation to be a blogger found in your carvermail.