Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Kanguage of Paradise Lost

Well, it's not quite the weekend yet, buuut tomorrow's a Friday!

Today we finished reading the portion of Paradise Lost available to us in our textbooks. Finish the rest of the questions on the handout, read the commentary of Paradise Lost on page 314, and finally, read The Language of Paradise Lost on pages 315-316.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Homework for Wednesday Evening

Such a creative title, I know. Read up to Line 155 and answer the questions for them.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Amanda's Post courtesy of Mrs Loconte

TS GREAT TO BE BACK!!!...*throws confetti*
Today we went over our homework over spring break & ended with Paradise Lost by John Milton following with some questions. For homework read pg 308 – top of 309 and answer the following questions given.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Herbert and Marvell

Today we reviewed  the Holy Sonnets and Meditation 17, and discussed George Herbert and Andrew Marvell. For homework, we must read the commentary on "To His Coy Mistress", then the poem itself, and answer questions 1-5 for Friday. We should also be thinking about what kind of arguments are presented by the author as we read this poem.

One more day!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Never one to be outDONNE...

Image result for john donne jokes

I didn't forget about my illiterati

For Composition

Donne's Meditation 17 achieves both unity and diversity by stating a single theme and illustrating it with a number of variations.  Write a well articulated paragraph (give yourself 30 minutes MAX) in which you state Donne's main theme and his variations. How do the variations relate to the central theme?


Done with Donne

Hi gang,

Today we finished John Donne by looking at Holy Sonnet 6 and Holy Sonnet 10. We also dived in and had some deep discussions about Meditation 17 and doctor assisted suicide.

For homework: Check this blog. Mrs. Loconte will tell us what to do.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The man who seeks wit has no wit

We went over the poem "A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning" and did the review questions.

Please remember the read the Holy Sonnets on page 268-270!