Friday, January 25, 2013


Today we were again displaced into the library yet we were quite a bit more productive than our first library incident seeing as Mrs. Loconte wisely decided that we should sit in chairs as opposed to lounge on couches in our PJs no less. We went over the first three parts of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner for the benefit of Joon and I who were not in class yesterday. We continued our review of parts four and five which had been assigned for homework the previous evening. We became terribly confused about whether a sail is an example of metonymy or a synecdoche until Kimberley pulled out her handy-dandy literary terms package and enlightened us all. An average American will spend an average of 6 months during his lifetime waiting at red lights. Sail is indeed an example of a synecdoche. After this was resolved, we read the last three parts of the ballad. We discussed symbolism and themes within the poem and were unsatisfied with the reasoning behind the Ancient Mariners crime of killing the albatross. There is no homework due for next class in which Brody will be leading us. Unfortunately, the next time that we shall see each other will be as we cower in fear before we start our English Provincial…but try not to think too much about that…instead think about being HALF-WAY DONE GRADE 12!!! Best wishes studying!

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