Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Whussup my fellow LITerz,
So meez appologiazz for the lateness of this post--I know it's practically tomorrow.
My excuse My reason? internet is not even a thing in my household rn, its been on and off for the past 24 hours so its been impossible to post as, mind you, I possess a LG Neon now

With that outta the way, our homework was to read the History section of The Restoration of Eighteenth Century and do all 10 of the review questions on page 347. Also: surprise surprise, the date has come: our epitaphs are finally due so get those in, kiddies.

All due at the beginning of class tomorrow morning :)

*NOTE: maybe just listen 2 a lil Promise - Ben Howard to ease those weary bugged-out brains.



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