Monday, February 17, 2014

A Better-Late-than-Never Post

Hey guys! Sorry about there being no blog on Thursday, there was a mix up on my part!

So I know it's a bit of a strain, remembering back to Thursday's class but it must be done: as a class, we went through Rebecca's lovely 'Apostrophe to the Ocean'--broke it down, line by line and discussed it a class. After this, Mrs. Loconte taught us the poems 'Ozymandias' and 'When I have fears that I May Cease to Be'.

Our homework, as assigned by Katrina, was to read through Shelly's bio just because there's a lot of good information in there that gets lost among the thickness of the text!

I don't know what exactly was assigned on Friday's class due for Tuesday, so I have nothing to say about that :)

Thanks and sorry again, guys!


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