Friday, April 1, 2016

The Lit Students' Progress

Today we wrapped up Paradise Lost and discussed The Pilgrim's Progress.  We also went over what will be on the Renaissance test next Wednesday (see below)

This weekend's homework:

Read 'What is this play about?' on page 242 in your Hamlet books, then skim-read the bolded sections after that until you reach 'Characters'
Start studying for the Renaissance  test!

Test details:
Part A - History
--> 10 fill in the blanks
Part B - 1-3 lines of a poem (worth 10 marks)
--> identify the author and state the significance of the lines
Part C - Growth of the English Language
--> multiple choice
Part D - Literary Terms
--> multiple choice
--> identify the device or give a definition of the device
Part E - 2 out of 8 essay topics (10 marks each)
--> approx 400 words
--> can be typed out: you can bring your laptops
Total #marks = 65

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