Monday, March 5, 2012

Hey, It's Sunny!

I could already tell today was going to be a fabulous day, when before the clock had even struck 9, the rain stopped and the sun appeared.  To further a great beginning to a great day, Donna gave us a thought-provoking devotional about how God is all powerful, and nothing is impossible if we place our complete trust in Him.  It's such an important reminder for us to rely not on our own strength, but rather on the Father's.  
After devotions, we continued our discussion/reading of Paradise Lost, answering the homework questions and reiterating what we had learned for those who missed out on class Thursday and/or Friday.  We also finished reading the rest of the great epic and answered the remaining questions on the sheet.  
From this, we discussed and learned several new and interesting facts.  Firstly, we learned about the supposed hugeness of angels/demons.  We also discussed the idea that though Satan is evil and determined to perverse all that is good, he cannot do anything without God's permission.  The poem solidifies this idea with the metaphor of a mighty ship chained to a lake - much like Satan chained to a burning lake of fire.  In the end, we all finally came to the conclusion that ultimately, Satan wants to rule above all else.  He believes though that as long as his mind is free, he can make hell his heaven and heaven his hell, essentially the idea of "mind over matter."  Little does he realize, no matter what he determines to do, God will ultimately triumph in the end.

Homework: Paradise Lost Review Period Sheet Due Tomorrow & Start Studying for Renaissance Test on Thursday

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