Y0 l!+ truKk@h$$$$ 2 d@y w@$$ +rU n' r!+3, n @ll cHU nukK@h$$$ m!$$3d 0u+ 0n d@ b3$+ d@y 3v3r. W3 talk3d bou+ COOLridge, hOO w@$ a R3@l g@ng$+@@ , @nd h!$ g@+ S+0ry @b0u+ d!$ $h!PPP, Whu+3v@ m!nd$3+. Chu shood r3d d!$ th@nGGG 4 hOOw3rk n d0 th3 qw3$+!0nZZZ . mr$ L-MONEY gatzz huRRR suM n3w WHITE ou+++++ , Tru n R!+3 . D!$ cl@$$ w@s stR@igh+ uP FENd!. PC3 ou+ nuKKAS, n k33p 0n trukK!n . i b $WORN 222 $3cr3t mmk@i. X0Xo P0$3$
Translation for thoose who are not fluent in the current text speak, which unfortunatly will continue to get worse and worse due to our increasing laziness , and the incerasing tecnological advancments that allow us to be as such.
Salutations fellow lit students. I hope all is well with you this evening, and that all of your days went quite well indeed. I am sorry to inform you all that today was one of the very best lit classes that i have ever had the chance to attend. It is such a shame 3/4 of you all could not attend. We discussed coleridges epic "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" , which has a very intreging and insightful plotline. The epic is also written remarkably well, keeping cadence with his rhyme scheme throughout its entire duration. Mrs. Loconte pointed out the remarkability of this feat once , so i thought it important to add. Another highpoint i might add, was when the students were pleasently shocked, and in awe that mrs loconte has now obtained some more liquid paper. The liquid paper was brought in by a caring, intellegent, and wonderful student , who also very good at being a barista. However i do wish to leave this fabulous student nameless. Luckily , you all will get the chance to read the rest of this fabulous poem tonight for homework, parts 5-8, and then completing the for study and discussion questions. i wish you a happy and fruitful evening and hope you will all complete this homework so that we may get a marble, and some kudos. Unfortunatly todays class will never be able to be duplicated, and all of us have been sworn to secrecy; therfore, you will never know what has made it so incredible. I am truly sorry about this. - Tayler
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