Thursday, April 12, 2012

How Difficult to Write Clever Titles

Hello English Lit,

While many of the class faced the glistening jaws of the English 12 Provincial, the remainder of us reviewed Alexander Pope's epic satire "The Rape of the Lock". Through the use of the epic form, Pope was able to satirize the cutting of a woman's lock through vast exaggerations and allusions to mythology and famous English literature. Through the poem's clever crafting, readers are able to believe that a war is occurring in the court, when truly, barons and ladies are only fighting with words and stabbing glares.

We spent the remainder of the class working on our in-class essays, which quickly became homework when the half-an-hour we were provided for writing expired.

Unfortunately, technical difficulties prevented us from watching Mrs. Loconte's devotions today. Hopefully, both the internet and the projector will work tomorrow. If not, we may need Trevor to stand in our classroom until devotions are complete. Technology seems to favor him.


- Complete the 200-500 word essay on Satire. Due Friday.
- Edit and hand-in the final copy of "The Importance of Being Earnest" theatre review. Due Friday.

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