Friday, September 28, 2012

Couresty is Key

Well guys, for better or for worse, we've made it to the end of another week!  We hurdled over two short quizzes with grace and ease, stumbling only slightly on some of the tricky Canterbury vocabulary, which led to a short discussion about the format of future quizzes.  In the end, however, we all agreed that multiple choice is, in fact, the preferred format.  12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.  We then dove into the literary intricacy and brilliance that is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, exploring ideas such as chivalry, honesty, and total forgiveness.  Our study was prematurely brought to an end by an all-school assembly regarding the retreat next week, perpetuating the idea that our Lit classes always seem to be cut short for some reason or another.  For homework, read Every Man and do the corresponding review questions.  Also keep in mind that our Lit projects are due either Thursday or Friday of the first week back to school.  Thus begins a much-anticipated, much-appreciated 10-day hiatus of school!


  1. Isn't there a poem we're supposed to read as well?

  2. Negative. Just Everyman...and is it just me or can anyone else not see the later half of the this post?

  3. It won't let me edit the post, but somehow I think the last half got highlighted in white, which is why the white text isn't showing up. If you just highlight the post with your mouse you should be able to read it.
