Friday, September 7, 2012


Sorry guys for the late post! This is going to be the first blog that is going to be posted for this year Lit class. Yay! So I thought I should start with an interesting fact. “Dead by the age of 80, a man named Michael Tolotos was rumored never to have seen a woman in his whole life, and he wasn’t blind”. I don’t know how he could call himself, “man”.

           Yesterday we began our class by arranging our desks in circular formation with a dot in the middle (me). We also decided that whoever is in the circle should be the one posting the blog that night (also me). Unfortunately, without knowing this, I became the “first” author of the blog.

 It was a glorious day for receiving marble and I think we are going to win the party (keep up the good work)! Mrs.Loconte went over the Anglo-Saxon period with us and events like Dark Ages and how we do not call it the “Dark Ages” ages anymore. Sorry, I do not remember the reason why.

           Later, Ms. Ho came in and took her time to help change our courses. Then Rachel suggested a name for our blog, “Chaucer’s Children” which I just realized it was already our blog title. We also went over 10 questions of our homework in lightening speed and managed to be diligent students. Lastly, we had to do a writing assignment on poetry and its topic was The Convergence of the Twain. Our objective was to write an irony of this poetry. I don’t know about everyone else, but it took me around 10 minutes to just think. Well in the end, it was a happy ending that we all managed to hand them in.. I think.

Homework! : P.11 Beoulf
-       Intro
-       Coming of Grendal (p.12)
-       Coming of Beoulf (p.17)
-       Complete corresponding questions of handout
-       Total: pp 11~19

Have a wonderful Friday evening!
-       Joon 

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