Thursday, October 25, 2012

That poem was ravishing, darling.

  So the first bit of class was spent reflecting deeply on the literary devices in John Donne's Great Valediction. Half an hour, and a decent write up later we dove straight into John Donne's Holy Sonnets. Starting with Holy Sonnet 6 and then on to Holy Sonnet 10, The Anglo-Saxons called August Weod Monath, meaning weed month, because weeds and plants grew the fastest in August although we finished the questions take a few minutes this evening to reflect on the use of the harsh vocabulary in the poem, and more specifically that word "ravish". Once you've reflected on that quickly turn to page 273 and read the bio on George Herbert followed by Virtue and Easter Wings. Tomorrow is a day 2 so we WILL have lit class! See you all tomorrow,

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