Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lustful Poetry

To my dearest fellow lit companions,

We have finally managed to go through another day! Today we started off with homework check and received a marble :) Most of the lit class we talked about Andrew Marvell and his lustful poem "To His Coy Mistress." As we analysed this poetry, we found the author quite creepy and desperate. Yet, it was very interesting to see how he often used "time" to express different imagery. Then we read Robert Herrick's bio and his poem, "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time." We thought this poem was superior than the other poem,     since Herrick's poem was more general and profound. For homework, read Tribe of Ben, and Ben Johnson and why he has a tribe. Also read about his lost son. Do all the questions please! Have an amazing day :)

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