Thursday, November 1, 2012

Importune Me No More

After stating off the class on an unfortunate note (no marble after a homework confusion), the class began to quickly pick up as we briefly discussed the readings from the previous class The Tribe of Ben and Ben Jonson. We then went over Jonson’s poems On My First Son and On My First Daughter. These poems sparked and conversation about love. Can love vary in amounts or is love just love? Does love grow with time? Is it possible to love two people the same but show it in a different way? Even with the insights of Mr. T or questions were unresolved. Oh well, some things in life must remain a mystery. We also read Song: To Celia by Jonson which introduced us to poetry of compliments though we thought it was more of a form of worship. Next we read and discussed Elizabeth I’s poem When I Was Fair and Young which began an interesting discussion again. This too was unresolved seeing how Queen Elizabeth I is no longer alive and we cannot ask her what she meant when she wrote this regret poem. We decided that we would like to study the poem Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum in full which Mrs. Loconte said we could do at a later date. Among other things we had a debate about the use of a rhyming dictionary, Mrs. Loconte’s English students succeeded in bumping up their test marks, we recognized the need to learn more about bibliographies especially in text citation, and we watched as Rachel gracefully missed her mouth as she took a drink of water. Just a day in the life of English Literature 12 class. We concluded our class by reading the biography on John Milton and, without fail, were assigned homework.


·        Read the beginning of Paradise Lost and due questions 1-8 on the handout.

·        Finish Renaissance and 17th Century Poetry Assignment due Tuesday

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