Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cards, Cut Hair, and a Battle of the Sexes...Very Epic

Today we started out by planning our trip to the graveyard.  We will hopefully go tomorrow if rides can be arranged.  Otherwise it will be postponed to Monday.  If you were to spell out numbers, you would have to go until one thousand until you would find the letter "A".  After that we read and discussed the Rape of the Lock.  It was incredibly epic for something so trite.  Next we looked at some epigrams by Pope and picked out our favourites, which was difficult because they were all really good.  We finished by reading the intro to the Age of Johnson.
- Read Wit and Nature (p. 414-415)
- Read Samuel Johnson's Bio (p. 418)
- Read the intro to Johnson's Dictionary and a few of the entries (p.420)

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