Thursday, December 20, 2012

In Which We Sat On Desks

With half our number away for various reasons today, Lit class was rather small. But we accomplished a lot! Mrs. Loconte announced that the test for The Restoration and the 18th Century would be on Thursday, January 10th. Charlie Brown's father was a barber. That gives us, as some stated, "three days" to review. Since no one intends to work much during the holiday. Although that wouldn't be a bad idea...

We went on to review "To a Mouse", and made sure its purpose was clear. From there, we moved on to Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, followed by William Blake's biography, and his Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Bethany read for us the commentary on these works. We then started the homework, and class ended a few minutes later.


For those who were away:
  • Read the Elegy (pp.433-436)
  • Read William Blake's Biography (p. 442)
  • Read Songs of Innocence, the Introduction and The Lamb (pp.443-444)
  • Read Songs of Experience, the Introduction and The Tiger (p. 446)
  • Read the commentary on The Tiger (p. 447)
  • Hand in your essays/satires/mock epics

For all:
  • Answer the Study and Discussion Questions for the Elegy (p. 437, all)
  • Read The Eighteenth Century and The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (pp. 449-451), no questions for this section
  • Brush up on the 18th Century in preparation for the test

The breakdown for the test is as follows:
  • Short answer paragraph responses (general ideas, themes)
    • 6 paragraphs, 5 marks each (total of 30 marks)
  •  Quotes (who is the author and what's the significance)
    • 10 quotes, 2 marks each (total of 20 marks)
  • History and Literature
    • Total of 15 marks
That's a grand total of 65 marks. There is no essay portion on this test.

Enjoy the holidays, ho ho ho!

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