Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Roll on, thou o'erlong and lasted year, Roll!

Today's class began with a quick check at the rest of the year. We have only 8 classes left (less now, since today's is over)! We talked about what has to be accomplished by the end of the year and we speculated on a possible review class during exam week.

Following the discussion, we went to Hamlet, reviewing our answers for the end of Act IV. We then did the Act IV Quotes Quiz, and began reading Act V.

It was put to question whether we would like to have a cumulative test for Hamlet, or to have another Quotes Quiz for Act V. The word 'obnubilate' means 'to obscure; to cloud over'. Although there were voices crying out for no more quotes, by the end of class some minds were changed and it seemed that one more Quotes Quiz may in fact be the winner. It was not solidified so think it over.


- Finish Act V:i and the related questions
- Ponder the meaning of life
- Begin preparation for the essay work regarding Hamlet (refer to the hand out for ideas, or make your own!)

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