Monday, June 16, 2014

Semester 1 & 2 Reading List.

Literature 12                                                                                                            

Reading List

Week of January 7

·         Johnson: Definitions from Johnson’s Dictionary p 420
·         Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard p 433

Week of January 14

·         Burns: To a Mouse p 440
·         Blake:  The Lamb p 444, The Tiger p 446
·         The Eighteenth Century: The Novel p 449
·         The Growth of the English Language p 450

Week of January 21

·         Review of Restoration & 18th Century
·         The Romantic Age 1798- 1832: History p 455
·         Wordsworth: My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold p 485, The World is Too Much With Us p 488

Week of January 28

·         Exam Week: Unit Test for Restoration & 18th Century

Week of February 4

·         Coleridge: Rime of the Ancient Mariner p 494

Week of February 11

·         Byron: Apostrophe to the Ocean p 531
·         Shelley: Ozymandias p 544,  Ode to the West Wind p 546
·         Keats: When I have fears that I May Cease to Be p 559

Week of February 18

·         Keats: Ode to a Nightingale p 575
·         The Romantic Age: The Growth of the English Language p 595
·         Review/ Test

Week of February 25

·         Victorian Age 1832- 1900: History p 599
·         Tennyson: Ulysses p 626, Crossing the Bar p 637
·         Browning: My Last Duchess 640

Week of March 4

·         Browning: Prospice p 645
·         Arnold: Dover Beach p 650
·         Hardy: The Darkling Thrush p 653, Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave? P 654
·         A.E Housman: To an Athlete Dying Young p 664, Is my Team Ploughing  p665

Week of April 1

·         Browning: Sonnet 43  p 669
·         Bronte: Song p 672
·         Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest p 712

Week of April 8

·         Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest p 712
·         The English Novel in The Nineteenth Century p 752
·         The Growth of the English Language: Victorian Age p 754

Week of April 15

·         Unit Test
·         Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare p 422
·         Shakespeare: Hamlet

Week of April 22- May 20

·         Shakespeare: Hamlet

Week of May 27

·         The Modern Age History p 761-773
·          Yeats: The Second Coming p 935
·         Eliiot: The Hollow Men p 952

Week of June 3

·         Smith: Pretty p 961
·         Thomas: Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night p 979
·         Atwood: Siren Song p 1000
·         The English Novel: The Modern Age p 1075
·         The Growth of the English Language: The Modern Age p 1077

Week of June 10:   >>>>>>You made it! REVIEW WEEK<<<<<

Sem 1 reading list

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One exam away from eternal freedom folks!

We are one step away from crossing that finish line, nice work everyone! The final exam will be on everything on our reading list plus pages 1075 and 1077 which we did not study in class. The following is the structure of the exam in case you missed it. Happy studying!

Lit 12 Final Exam

Multiple Choice - 23 questions (23 marks): Poems
Paragraph Response - 1 question (15 marks): Unfamilar Passage
Long Passages - 2 choices, pick 1 (20 marks): Hamlet
Written Response - 1 question (10 marks): Importance of Being Earnest
Essay - 1 (20 marks): General Topic

Total /88

Wednesday, June 4, 2014



So, last class we officially concluded our Hamlet study with a rather lengthy Unit Test. Our homework for our next class is to finish (or start) your Hamlet essays and read up on the History of the Modern Age (no questions!) so dust off that big ol' green mONSTER OF A TexTBoOK and brush up on some LIT HISTORY.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hamlet for You

Friday's Notes

When I asked Brittany to read she said,' I don't know who I am."

I started to quote Hamlet. Here is that quote in its entirety:

“We know what we are, but not what we may be.”

Act. 4. Scene 5 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Homework? Well of course. For tomorrow finish the Character study of Hamlet vs Larateas... Who is more noble??

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

2 more Weeks

So today in class we watched scene 1 act 5 then read scene 2, what we did not finish we will finish on Thursday. This Thursday we also have our lines due. Also keep in mind on the 5th Hamlet essay is due.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Homework y'all

Hello fellow students, 

today in class we finished act 4. your homework for next class (thursday) is to study for the act 4 quotes quiz. Also a friendly reminder that if you have chosen to complete the bonus assignment it will be due at the end of the play. 

Happy reading!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

T minus 19 school days.... plus exams

Today we read Act 3 Scene 4 and Act 4 Scene 1-2 of Hamlet. Your homework today is to study for the Act 3 quotes quiz which is tomorrow and do the Code of Conduct bonus assignment... or not.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


jkjk, y'all need to get down to your homework instead! Your homework is to complete the questions for 3.1 (which we read in class) and read 3.2, with questions! GET DOWN TO WORK... or leave it to Monday night ;)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Throw Your Hands Up

The craziest thing has occurred, there is no Lit homework! So kick it and enjoy the lit free nights. In the words of good ol Kool & The Gang... :)

Friday, May 2, 2014


Your marks on Engrade include the Hamlet Act 1 quiz.
Term 3 and 4 marks are up to date.
Bonus assignment Line memorization due at the end of the play. You need to let others know which lines you are doing as there are no duplicates. Full effort for full 2% will apply.
Code of Conduct bonus assignment will be due at the end of Act 3. Full effort for full 2% will apply.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Hey You All! So today we took a quotes quiz and then started Act 2 scene 1. So you are going to want to finish that and do the question for Thursday. Simple as that. Get it done.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

for tuesday

Hello fellow literature students,

Please excuse my tardiness in making this post. On Thursday we went through Act 1 Scene 2 of Hamlet. The homework for this Tuesday is to read and finish all questions for scenes 3-5 of Hamlet in the Hamlet Study Guide Questions packet; also be advised that there will be a test on the entirety of Act 1 on Tuesday; so read, re-read, then re-re-read. Know the lines well.

Happy studying


Hello sorry for the late post there was some account confusion. So last class we read act.1 scene. 3-4 your hmrk is to finish the act and do all the questions as well or prepared for a quiz on act 1 on Tuesday.

Have a splendid afternoon

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hamlet 1.2

Firstly, I apologize for forgetting to blog over the Easter long weekend as I was supposed to. Nevertheless, you all did your homework despite my fault so I commend you all! In class today we started reading Act 1 Scene 2 of Hamlet and our homework for Thursday is to finish reading the scene and do the questions.

Have a nice evening!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Test Day

Today in Lit class we wrote the Victorian Unit Test. Then, we were introduced briefly to Hamlet!
Homework: Read Preface to Shakespeare on page 422, answer all the reading check questions and then do question #3 for study & discussion. On Thursday (next class), there will be a history test on the Victorian Age.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I See Dead People

and one really cute love sonnet.

On today's episode of Literature 12, we reviewed and discussed "To An Athlete Dying Young" and "Is My Team Ploughing" by A.E. Housman. After that, we read Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet 43, "Song" by Emily Brontë, and the sections on The English Novel and The Growth of the English Language. Since we've wrapped up this age, we'll be having our unit test on Tuesday composed of the following:

  • Name That Poet - given a line or two from some poems we've studied, if you know it, name the poet.
  • *Define the Underline(d) - give the definitions for 5 different underlined words from the lines of poetry mentioned above
  • Fill-in-the-Blanks
  • Quotes - provide the titles and meanings of each quote
  • One-Paragraph Response (3x)
*study tip: re-read the poems we've looked at in this unit, and define the words you're unfamiliar with in each poem.

IN ADDITION we will be tested on the History section for this Age on Thursday (to make things easier). Just for fun (and to get some studying done without actually studying), check out Mr. Osborne's 8-minute video on the Victorian Age here.

Haaaaaave a good long weekend!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Holla Chica's

Today (...err well yesterday) we finished the Importance of Being Earnest and read Ah, Who's Digging on my Grave? For Tuesday there is no homework, but there will be a quiz on the Importance of Being Earnest.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wild for Wilde

So today in class we went over act 1 questions, and watched some of the film. We were then graced by the vocal talents of a few star pupils as we read some of act 2! So for tonight's homework it's pretty simple, you're going to want to break open that lit textbook, find some quiet place maybe listen to the pitter patter of the rain  and finish reading  act 2 up to the reading check questions...and then do them.



Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hello Again

Kay crazy kids, let's try to keep this short and sweet.

In today's class we discovered that only half the class did the homework assigned over Spring Break--read Act 1 of The Importance of Being Earnest-- myself included (my baaddd) and so we watched the first little bit of the movie on Youtube just to get us introduced to the characters.

We had a bit of time at the end of class to go through a powerpoint on the characters that Mrs. Loconte graciously whipped up for us, and to re-read the first act again.

Your homework is to finish reading Act 1, and answer the Reading Check Questions (#1-5) as well as the study discussion questions on the first Act (#1-2) by Thursday's class!

Weeo lets get er done

Thursday, March 6, 2014


don't know who is blogging?
go to blog archive on right,
click on the one labeled January:
click on the post that lists all the days you blog til June.
proceed accordingly!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"The Play's the Thing!"

Just to recap the upcoming events:

The Importance of Being Earnest
Douglas College
Wednesday March 12th @ 730 pm.
Casual clothing.
Free tix.
I will meet you there.

Homework due Thursday (okay, Friday, latest, or late marks galore!)

Write a poem equal or close to equal in length to Dover Beach in which you address Arnold and either agree or disagree with his pessimistic outlook.
See two examples provided in class if stuck for ideas.

This post does not replace tonight's blogger's post.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bonus Situation: Team Lit 12

Hello classmates, we've all got assigned a bonus assignment worth 2 percent on our report cards. As Abigail said, the early bird gets the worm so take the assignment of your choosing ASAP (I call dibs on 4 btw)

In class, Christian and Charlotte went over Ulyseus and I taught you all Dover Beach which we will finish next week. As for homework, we are supposed to read Crossing the Bar and Prospice for Tuesday, have a good weekend.

Matt Stewart

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Fellow Lit Students and Mrs. Loconte,

I would like to announce that I, Abigail J. Ibanez, have taken on the fifth listed bonus assignment, titled "History Speech" and that the fifth option is no longer available.

Take that, Katrina :)



Thursday, February 27, 2014


Our homework for tomorrow is to read the history section of the Victorian Age and answer the 10 review questions on page 619. Also, read Matthew Arnold`s bio on page 647. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Farewell, Farewell Romantic Age!

"we leave thee to Heaven's peaceful care..." Wordsworth, Some Poem Title That's Longer Than This Made-Up One

Today we wrote our Romantic Age unit test (which lacked the familiar 500-word essay topics) and were given the question sheet on the history of the Victorian Age. Your assignment is to finish that handout for next class.

"Sunshine and bud be with you," (The Same Poem I mentioned Earlier, Wordsworth)


Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Hello, classmates,

Today, in class, we went over Ode to a Nightingale in class. Your homework for next class is to do all Study and Discussion questions for Ode to a Nightingale and also for Ode to the West Wind. Also, don't forget that there will be a test on the Romantic Age on Tuesday, February 25 -- Study for it.


Monday, February 17, 2014

A Better-Late-than-Never Post

Hey guys! Sorry about there being no blog on Thursday, there was a mix up on my part!

So I know it's a bit of a strain, remembering back to Thursday's class but it must be done: as a class, we went through Rebecca's lovely 'Apostrophe to the Ocean'--broke it down, line by line and discussed it a class. After this, Mrs. Loconte taught us the poems 'Ozymandias' and 'When I have fears that I May Cease to Be'.

Our homework, as assigned by Katrina, was to read through Shelly's bio just because there's a lot of good information in there that gets lost among the thickness of the text!

I don't know what exactly was assigned on Friday's class due for Tuesday, so I have nothing to say about that :)

Thanks and sorry again, guys!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Here I am wondering why there is no homework up on the blog and I realize I'm the one who's supposed to inform y'all... my bad!
SO HERE IT IS SHAWTY'S, read the Apostrophe to the Ocean and do the Study & Discussion Questions. SEE Y'ALL BRIGHT AND EARLY TOMORROW MORNING.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday's Homework

Today in lit we went through the history of the romantic age as well as The World is Too Much with Us. Your homework is to read Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Whussup my fellow LITerz,
So meez appologiazz for the lateness of this post--I know it's practically tomorrow.
My excuse My reason? internet is not even a thing in my household rn, its been on and off for the past 24 hours so its been impossible to post as, mind you, I possess a LG Neon now

With that outta the way, our homework was to read the History section of The Restoration of Eighteenth Century and do all 10 of the review questions on page 347. Also: surprise surprise, the date has come: our epitaphs are finally due so get those in, kiddies.

All due at the beginning of class tomorrow morning :)

*NOTE: maybe just listen 2 a lil Promise - Ben Howard to ease those weary bugged-out brains.



Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today in the early AM in lit class we went over Blake's work. We also went over the novel and growth of the english language in the 18th C just incase you missed it. You're homework for the night is to do the 10 review questions on page 347.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hello so my bad about this blog coming to you at 7pm the night before. But nevertheless the homework is this, Blakes Bio, the Tiger and the Lamb and then the study and discussions questions, you know just the usual.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

[insert witty title here]


Today we went over Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray and answered its discussion questions together. Read Robbie Burn's blurb on page 438 and his poem titled To A Mouse on page 440 by next class. No questions.

Have a lovely evening,


P.S.our sonnets are due Wednesday the 15th and our Restoration projects on the 21st

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

By the way

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard can be found on pg. 433

Tha Homework


Last class, we discussed Samuel Johnson and the dictionary he produced single-handedly (impressive, right?). We then went on to take a look at the workings of Thomas Gray. The homework for next class is to finish reading Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Fear not, the corresponding questions are NOT assigned.

Happy reading, friends.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Post that Lists the DaysYou Blog until June

7: Christian
9: Charlotte
14: Katrina
16: Brittany
17: Tiah
21: Abigail
23: Rebeka

4: Matthew
6: Ekoh
11: Christian
13: Charlotte
14: Katrina
18: Brittany
20: Tiah
25: Abigail
27: Rebeka
28: Matt

4: Ekoh
6: Christian

1: Charlotte
3: Katrina
4: Brittany
8: Tiah
10: Abigail
15: Rebeka
17: Matthew
22: Ekoh
24: Christian
29: Charlotte

1: Katrina
2: Brittany
6: Tiah
8: Abigail
13: Rebeka
15: Matthew
16: Ekoh
20: Christian
22: Charlotte
27: Katrina
29: Brittany
30: Tiah

3: Abigail
5: Rebeka
10: Matthew