Friday, June 17, 2016

Final-ly (also final-LI because Audrey's writing this post)

Hey guys, because I said I'd post the format for the final and in case you haven't checked Facebook yet (props to Ashley!), here it is:

20-25 Multiple Choice
15 marks - Unfamiliar sight passage
20 marks - Shakespearean drama
10 marks - Victorian drama
30 marks - General essay

I don't have a reading list compiled, I believe someone else is doing that.  Good luck studying guys, see you Monday afternoon!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tomorrow is the last day of the last full week of classes...

Today we discussed the homework from last night, and started a wonderful Victorian comedy called "The Importance of Being Earnest".

For homework, finish the first act, and do the related questions on page 725.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It's Wednesday my dudes......HUMP DAY!!!

Today we reviewed the poems assigned for homework the previous day and looked at a few new ones.  We also discussed the quiz that will be given on Friday and completed at home. 

Your homework for tomorrow is to read the two bios and read 43 on page 669 and Song on page 672, and answer the questions. Also, please watch the following video:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

HW ok satisfied yedgie wedgie?

Read bio of Tennyson, Arnold and Hardy
Do the Darkling thrush, digging grave review questions (textbook?)
Read the commentary of Dover beach
Pls don't blame me if I miss any

"Today I read nearly two pages
In the book of a mystic poet,
And I laughed as if I'd cried a lot.

Mystic poets are sick philosophers,
And philosophers are lunatics.
Because mystic poets say that flowers feel
And that stones have souls
And that rivers are filled with rapture in the moonlight.

But flowers, if they felt, wouldn't be flowers,
They would be people;
And if stones had souls, they would be living things, not stones;
And if rivers were filled with rapture in the moonlight,
Those rivers would be sick people.

Only one who doesn't know what flowers and stones and rivers are
Can talk about their feelings.
Those who talk about the soul of stones, of flowers and of rivers
Are talking about themselves and their false notions.
Thank God that stones are just stones,
And rivers nothing but rivers,
And flowers merely flowers."

-Fernando Pessoa.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Die Historic on the Fury Ocean

Ulysses in a nutshell:

(Also coincidentally the average student)

Today, Professors Natalie and Audrey finished teaching about 'Ode to a Nightingale.'  We heard Zoe's mock epic and managed to finish Ulysses.

Your homework for this weekend:
-Read the Victorian history section in your poetry textbooks and answer questions 1-10 on page 619

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fanny Brown, Hands Down

Today we listened to Professor Luk's lecture about When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be and part of Not-Professors Natalie and Audrey's teaching about Ode to a Nightingale.
We also heard Thomas' satire about hope, despair, and the education system.

Tonight, read the Romantic Age's The Growth of the English Language on page 595.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


We listened to two wonderful lectures today

Do ozimandias questions 1-2

I may have missed something, though I don't really know

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hump Day Eve

Today we finished up the two poems taught in yesterday's class and presented our epics and our epic satires. For tonight's homework, read "Ode to the West Wind" in your textbook.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Friday Blogger?

If you need to hand in your assignment on Tuesday, that's okay with me, students!

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Today we talked about the reading we did last night, and looked at "The World Is Too Much with Us", by Wordsworth. We also started reading and planning for how we will teach our poems to the class.

For tomorrow, read the history section on Wordsworth and Coleridge, and spot at Bryon, Shelley, and Keats. Pages 465-469

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late post! Life has been busy. Considering we're all in grade 12, I'm assuming most of you are up right now.

Today we took our test.

Homework is to read up until page 456. Read it all snuggled up in cozy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

This is Noah.

Today in class we were assigned our poems that we are to teach the class, presented our epitaphs and also began the Romantic Period. No homework just study for test! #Lit

Friday, May 20, 2016

HW? Is it my turn?

We read in the grass today

Several things are due in the near future:

We have a 'test' on Wednesday
We have a project on the 18th century due on the Monday after this Monday
We have to write our own epitaph (I assume due in Tuesday)


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Word search and hangman

Hangman today be like

Today we did a history and literature sheet quiz thing and then had some free time.

Tonight's homework:
None, but the test will be on Wednesday, May 25 (see previous post for details) and satire projects are due Monday, May 30, so probably start working on those sooner rather than later.

Fun Fact: May 29 is officially 'Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day'

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Restoration Testoration Info

Today we continued finishing up the Restoration section instead of going to the graveyard dressed as ninjas. We decided that the Restoration + 18th century Unit Test will be on Wednesday, May 25, while the project will be due on Monday, May 30.

The test will comprise of the following sections, or at least I think they will, because I forgot my Lemon + Pink notebook in my locker. Darn. Anyway:

  1. Poems - State the author and meaning of ten quotes (probably 20 marks) Johnson will not be included in this section, if I remember correctly.
  2. History + Literature (15 marks)
  3. Short Answer (NO ESSAY! WOO!)
No homework, but try to get a head start on studying for the test and working on the project.

Ending on a fun note, here is a comic that depicts how I feel when the class starts debating about Shakespeare... after the Shakespeare unit. It's the 18th century, guys, let Macbeth go to his Macdeath.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday Blog Post

I can't think of a good title, so this will have to do. Today we reviewed Pope's Epigrams and The Age of Johnson, as well as discussed Samuel Johnson. Tomorrow we will be heading to a graveyard to set the setting as read another piece of literature. Consider working on your projects!

Monday, May 16, 2016

After Prom Pope

Today in class we read "The Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope. For tonight's homework, please read "Pope's Epigrams" on page 412 and complete the questions. Also, read "The Age of Johnson" on page 416.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Two More Days

Today we talked about satire, got the outline for our next project, and continued reading Gulliver's Travels.
For homework, finish reading "A Voyage to Brobdingnag" and finish the sheet that was handed out about this section.

Monday, May 9, 2016


Today we finished reading the diary about the Great Fire of London and tied it in with what is currently occurring in Fort McMurray. We also read some feminist poetry.

Below is a nice picture and your homework:

Read "The Age of Pope" on page 366, then the biography on Swift on page 372, following along with "A Voyage to Lilliput" from Gullivers Travels. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Perchance you may have homework

We finished Hamlet today (Review) and learned about our 'test'
Read the textbook P. 327-347 and do the first ten review questions. Due Monday.

Next Thursday we will have the 'test'.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Too Sick to Think of a Creative Blog Post Title :(

Today we discussed Act 5 Scene 2 questions and... honestly my memory of today is super foggy, sorry.

If you're presenting a bonus monologue, that's tomorrow!
Read the history portion of "The Restoration" in the long-untouched Adventures in English Literature textbook for Monday. Get a head start if you can.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Rest is (Not) Silence


Today we signed some cards for the staff despite not knowing, for the most part, who the cards were actually for.  We also had a few brief visits from other teachers, and received some tentative hope from Mrs. Loconte about our Hamlet test which may be different from our usual Lit tests...?

Oh yeah, and despite all the interruptions, we somehow managed to finish Hamlet and discuss the questions for Act 5 Scene 1.

Tonight's homework:
Study for tomorrow's Act 4 Quiz
For those who are doing the bonus monologues, the due date has been changed to this Wednesday.

Fun Fact: Audrey is incapable of blogging about Hamlet without including a gif of David Tennant as Hamlet

Friday, April 29, 2016

Last School Day of April

Today we read more of Act 5 Scene 1 after reading out our Advice and To Be or Not To Be write ups. We also saw the presentation on The Effects of Divorce On Children. The homework is to finish reading Act 5 Scene 1, but do not do the questions, for we will do them in class. We have an Act 4 quotes quiz on Tuesday as well. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hump Day

Today we went over/read Act 4 scene 7 & discussed the questions. We also watched the movie for the rest of the class. Work on your project due Friday. Act 4 quiz Tuesday!

(This is Amanda)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Term 4, Day 1

He had a quotes quiz on Act 3 today, and continued reading Act 4. For homework, read Act 4 Scene 6, and do the one corresponding question.

Not a Homework Post

Just letting you guys know I'm picking Hamlet's "Get thee to a Nunnery" (Lines 119-126 in 3.1) for the bonus monologue assignment.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Today we finished the presentation on depression and read Act 4 Scene 1-3 in class.

Below is a very nice picture and your homework:

Homework: Act 3 Quiz on Monday

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Today in class we watched Hamlet and discussed Hamlet. We were given an assignment about the major themes in Hamlet, to be presented orally in class tomorrow. Also essay due Thursday, Act 3 Quotes Quiz on Monday, and Precepts project due next Friday.

PS: Don't skip school tomorrow fam
(This is Noah)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Hamming It Up

Today we went over questions from Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3, read through Scene 4, discussed questions for Scene 4, and continued watching the 2009 Hamlet film.

No homework tonight, but essays are due Thursday, Act 3 quotes quiz is next Monday, and bring your device to class tomorrow.

Fun Fact: Today is David Tennant's birthday!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Today we finished reading Act 3 Scene 2, where the play had a play played within an already playing play. That's a mouthful.

The homework for tonight is questions 7 to 9 for Act 3 Scene 2, and to read Act 3 Scene 3.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday's Scoop

Today in class we watched a video on Shakespearean English, and read and reviewed more Hamlet. We also got assigned another project, a Take Home Essay. Tonight for homework, start reading Act 3, Scene 2 up until Horatio's entrance, and start memorizing/studying Act 2 for the quotes quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

3 more days...

Today we went over Hamlet questions and followed with the movie. No homework but review ACT 2 quiz, homework will be given tomorrow!

(posting on behalf Amanda, as the blog isn't letting her post for some reason)

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Days Are Blending Together...

Today we watched Act 1 of Hamlet, and started on Act 2.

For Monday, we have a quiz on quotes from Act 1, so you should probably familiarize yourself with that.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday felt like Friday

Hi ya'll,

We discussed the recent test we had and talked about Hamlet. Below is a nice picture and also the homework.

 <-----------Nice picture.

There is no homework today, but keep in mind that there will be an Act 1 quiz on Monday.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Hamlet's a Go

Because April is the big 4-double-0 of Shakespeare's anniversary (he was born and died on April 23rd), I will waste no time getting into Hamlet on Monday.
Thus, I have put together a fancy powerpoint for review in preparation of the exam on Wednesday.

You are Welcome!
films shakespeare 10 things i hate about you david krumholtz susan may pratt

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Lit Students' Progress

Today we wrapped up Paradise Lost and discussed The Pilgrim's Progress.  We also went over what will be on the Renaissance test next Wednesday (see below)

This weekend's homework:

Read 'What is this play about?' on page 242 in your Hamlet books, then skim-read the bolded sections after that until you reach 'Characters'
Start studying for the Renaissance  test!

Test details:
Part A - History
--> 10 fill in the blanks
Part B - 1-3 lines of a poem (worth 10 marks)
--> identify the author and state the significance of the lines
Part C - Growth of the English Language
--> multiple choice
Part D - Literary Terms
--> multiple choice
--> identify the device or give a definition of the device
Part E - 2 out of 8 essay topics (10 marks each)
--> approx 400 words
--> can be typed out: you can bring your laptops
Total #marks = 65

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Kanguage of Paradise Lost

Well, it's not quite the weekend yet, buuut tomorrow's a Friday!

Today we finished reading the portion of Paradise Lost available to us in our textbooks. Finish the rest of the questions on the handout, read the commentary of Paradise Lost on page 314, and finally, read The Language of Paradise Lost on pages 315-316.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Homework for Wednesday Evening

Such a creative title, I know. Read up to Line 155 and answer the questions for them.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Amanda's Post courtesy of Mrs Loconte

TS GREAT TO BE BACK!!!...*throws confetti*
Today we went over our homework over spring break & ended with Paradise Lost by John Milton following with some questions. For homework read pg 308 – top of 309 and answer the following questions given.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Herbert and Marvell

Today we reviewed  the Holy Sonnets and Meditation 17, and discussed George Herbert and Andrew Marvell. For homework, we must read the commentary on "To His Coy Mistress", then the poem itself, and answer questions 1-5 for Friday. We should also be thinking about what kind of arguments are presented by the author as we read this poem.

One more day!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Never one to be outDONNE...

Image result for john donne jokes

I didn't forget about my illiterati

For Composition

Donne's Meditation 17 achieves both unity and diversity by stating a single theme and illustrating it with a number of variations.  Write a well articulated paragraph (give yourself 30 minutes MAX) in which you state Donne's main theme and his variations. How do the variations relate to the central theme?


Done with Donne

Hi gang,

Today we finished John Donne by looking at Holy Sonnet 6 and Holy Sonnet 10. We also dived in and had some deep discussions about Meditation 17 and doctor assisted suicide.

For homework: Check this blog. Mrs. Loconte will tell us what to do.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The man who seeks wit has no wit

We went over the poem "A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning" and did the review questions.

Please remember the read the Holy Sonnets on page 268-270!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Gang gang gang gang gang

Today in class we discussed Shakespeare's Sonnet 29 and reviewed the writing of Francis Bacon.
For homework read the Jacobean Age "Metaphysical Poets" and finish reading the history section starting on page 128, answer remainder of questions (7-10).


(This is Noah

Friday, February 26, 2016

Shepherds and Studies and Sonnets, Oh My!

Today we finished off discussing the Passionate Shepherd and the Nymph's Response, and looked at Francis Bacon's essay "Of Studies." 

Your homework this weekend is to read the section in your textbook on pages 152-153 called "The Sonnet," read Sonnet 29 on page 167, and do all the questions for both on the sheet Mrs. Loconte gave us today.

Fun Fact:
When J.R.R. Tolkien taught English Literature in university, he would start off the first day of class by waiting for all his students to enter the lecture hall before throwing open the doors at the back dramatically and striding down the aisle reciting the first 50 lines of Beowulf.  In the original Old English.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's Lit

Couldn't think of a punny blog post title.

Today we powered through literary works from the Renaissance, particularly sonnets.

Work on your Canterbury Tales projects tonight and, if you wish for bonus marks, your Middle Ages bonus projects too.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

So About That Bonus...

Hey all, state what bonus assignment you're going to be doing in the comments below!

(I, Yejung, am doing the 2nd assignment: a short report about chivalry and the perfect knight.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Terrible Tuesdays

(This is actually Ashley this time)

Test tomorrow on the Middle Ages. The test will include two parts: matching (character names with description, some history) and paragraphs (3 in total out of 8 options, one must be about Beowulf). There will be a bonus question on the history section.

If you are wanting to do the bonus assignment, be aware that it is due along with the middle age product, on Friday.

No homework tonight, other than preparation for the test... which is technically optional but highly recommended.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Mondays Should Be Optional

(This is Amanda)

Today we brainstormed all topics we've covered in Lit (virtues, vices, line quote...) and went through the rest of the Everyman Questions. We then ended class with reading Bonny Barbara Allan.
For homework, read page 109 & also start reading pages 122-123 for class.

Friday, February 19, 2016

"And Everyman sighed in relief, for the mighty Weekend had finally arrived in all his glory"

Today we did our quiz on the Pardoners Tale and discussed Everyman.
Homework: Finish off question sheet for Everyman for Monday.

Favourite song to start a weekend to:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Gawain, the Green Knight, and Everyman.

We finished reading  about Gawain and the Green Knight in class today.

Read "Everyman" on page 111, and answer questions 1-10 on the handout. Due Friday

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


(This is Noah)

Today in class we finished the Chaucerian Couplet worksheet. And read The Pardoner's Tale.

For homework finish the intro of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and read half of it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tired Tuesdays

Finish the "Name that Pilgrim" worksheet for tomorrow.
Get some rest.
That's all.

Monday, February 15, 2016

"Simple folk never sense the devil's presence, not even when his hands are on their throats." -Mephistopheles, Faust.


On this day we studied the wonderfully illustrative and sarcastic texts of Canterbury Tales. In addition we discussed some questions regarding the textbook.

Your task at hand is to carefully study the texts, do the questions for the character and stop at the Pardoner.

"There, as chance wills, let pain and pleasure, success and frustration, alternate; unceasing activity alone reveals our worth."

Go and do likewise, my good friends.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Thank St. Loy It's Friday!

Today we discussed the Nun, the Monk, and the Friar of Canterbury Tales, and went over the Merchant and the Oxford Cleric.

Your homework is:
Read and do the questions for the characters up to (and including) the Doctor

Have a good weekend!

Might I remind you our blog has yet to be titled...

Don't complain!

Hello, I am back at day one. This morning I complained about the natural, fluoride toothpaste my husband bought made with tea-tree oil. To be fair, it is quite unpleasant (not a complaint, just my personal preference). As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew it was time to reset the days....

Good luck on this most challenging of challenges!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Toknight's Homework

Tomorrow's early Valentine's Day at Carver!

We had the last full-length class of the week today, in which we read (or at least, tried to) some Old English, Geoffrey Chaucer's biography, and started reading the prologue of The Canterbury Tales.

Your homework tonight is to finish reading the introduction of the Medieval Period section in the textbook and complete questions #7-10 on page 54 AND to read the nun, monk, and friar's character introductions in The Canterbury Tales and answer their corresponding questions in the Canterbury Tales handouts.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wacky Wednesday

Today's class we wrapped up Beowulf by watching the animated interpretation. Your homework for tonight is to start reading "The Old English Period", found on page 41. Please read up until "The Crusades" (page 50) and answer questions #1-6 (page 54).

Monday, February 1, 2016

Welome to Your Destiny!

(cue dramatic music)

Since all of the literature we are studying comes from England, it makes sense for us to understand how this (once) great nation came to be; thus, today we reviewed the conquests, great leaders (Alfred, Bebe) and culture of Britain by beginning in the Middles Ages.

Your homework for tonight is to create a riddle of 7 to 15 lines. End it with "What am I?". Have fun trying to stump us. Please have it typed or neatly printed for me to collect (again, not for marks...per se).

Here's to the start of what looks to be a promising semester!

p.s. accept my invitation to be a blogger found in your carvermail.