Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16th, 2012

To start off this grey rainy day, we had devotions from Janice who talked about Revelations 12. We learned that we need to stay strong as well as pray. Next, we had two lovely presentations from Emmett and Kharis about chivalry. A person who is chivalrous is someone who is humble, loyal to the king and to God, protects the weak from the stronger, and is a gentlemen to women, especially widows.

Mrs. Loconte also brought us in an article about a couple who had been married for 73 years. Wow! This is proof that love does not fade with age and keeping a social life can actually help the elderly live a longer life.

We also looked at a few sonnets about love. In sonnet 130, we can see that the man loves the woman for who she is, even if she doesn't have the greatest break, or the reddest lips. Sonnet 116, tell us that love does not fade, and it will not end and that when faults are found, love will not change. Love is eternal.


- Read page 259, the bio about Francis Bacon.
- Prepare for our in-class essay tomorrow. You may bring notes, but not your complete essay.
- Tomorrow is the last day for the bonus project.

Devotions for Friday: Tayler
Blogging for Friday: Rachel

Have a wonderful night!


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