Tuesday, February 21, 2012

insert clever title here

As expected from regular morning routines, a devotion was to be shared but no one had anything prepared. Nevertheless, this allowed opportunity to share or reflect anything on anyone's mind. Kathleen kindly volunteered to share an experience her family went through, and the insight her family gained from it.

Right after devotions, we tackled the poem "Valediction; Forbidding Mourning" by Donne and analyzed the different literary elements and imageries of the poem.

The next poem we looked at was quite contrasting to the previous love poem, yet still written by the same poet, Donne. Holy Sonnet 6 is quite a powerful poem, in that it essentially mocks death's attempt at terror and agony. The attitude of the speaker in the poem is full of confidence and lives in no fear of death. It was interesting to read and perceive death in this perspective.

Not too much homework today, thankfully!
Simply, read Meditation 17 (page 271) and also these four questions for Holy Sonnet 10 (page 270) :

1. What longing is expressed Donne in this poem? Give examples.
2. Why has he been uable so far to obtain his wish. Illustrate.
3. Show how this poem is an effective (or not) reflection of metaphysical poetry.
4. In what way does the imagery in this poem suggest a story of medieval romance. Appropriate?

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