Monday, June 11, 2012

Winding Down

Unfortunately, today was a low key day, so there is nothing controversial to discuss.  However, despite being low key, it was hardly boring. 

We began the class with some announcements from Mrs. Loconte concerning end of the year activities like convocation, turning in our DPA forms, and the award ceremony.  From there, we proceeded to jump right into watching the rest of the Mel Gibson version of Hamlet, starting from when Ophelia drowns and ending with the huge blood bath at the castle.

Devotions today were led by Donna, who always seems to have insightful little stories or YouTube clips to share.  Anyway, she showed us a YouTube video by the Skit-Guys, which was a somewhat humourous representation of how we need to give God control over our entire lives, and how no matter how useless or broken we think we are, we are actually originally masterpieces made in God's image.  We would do well to remember that.

For the rest of the class, we discussed the final scenes of Hamlet, delving into how Hamlet was a fatalist.  We also went over the Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1 & 2 questions in extensive detail.

HOMEWORK - the only thing you are reading this for. I know..
Act 5 Quiz: It's the last one, so study hard and finish well.



  1. I know I speak for the class when I say, we don't only read this blog for the homework.

  2. Amen, sista!

    I check it daily.
