Friday, June 1, 2012

Check this out! A blog post! A whole week later. Wouldn't expect this, now would we? Hopefully this can boost up my mark so that universities will like me.

In getting dressed up this morning, I forgot one key task to do. That was, to put on pants (harder than you think). Once I remembered pants, I also was notified that I had to blog, thanks to my handy schedule.

There was a episode about Prom a couple weeks ago on Glee. It's a terrible show, and I swear, I honestly only watch it to make fun of it. Seriously. I also like SOME of the songs, not all.

I was totally freaking out. Nails, hair, lashes, brows, leg hairs, toes, etc. Being a girl is hard sometimes, but beauty is pain.

Anyways, it has nothing to do with what happened Thursday in English Literature class (not a lot does, anyways).

We opened up our Hamlet books after hearing a devotion from (insert student). We went over Act 4 in class and sped through the first 4 scenes like Speedy Gonzalez (no relation to Lisa). We did questions as we went along and had vigorous discussion on the motives of each character and the overall plot.


  • Technically, finish Act 4 Scene 5 and do the first 2 questions for it, but Mrs. Loconte also said NO HOMEWORK (because she was feeling nice).
  • Take your pick, I know I'm just going to listen to this song.

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