Thursday, February 21, 2013


  I'm sorry guys for the really late posting! It's because my computer had a problem with this http cookie thing and wouldn't let me in! But it's working now so I'm posting this blog! So today is Colleen's Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLLEEN! We were going to sing her a song, but in the end we got carried away and we weren't able to sing one for colleen :( Anyhow, we learned to appreciate the teachers more throughout our brief teaching assignment: teaching isn't easy. Then we talked about the essay and test that will happen in our near future.  We decided to make the test into two parts: history and poetries. So the first test is on Tuesday next week about history and the second test will be on thursday about poetries. We also recapped everything we did on the victorian age poems. We went through the authors over again and briefly disccused the themes of each poem as quickly and efficently as we can.
So this is the break down of the test:
Tuesday: History
- 20 fill in the blank (Historical development)
- 10 M.C.
- No growth of the language portion
Thursday: Poetries
- Who the author is (more of the bio)
- Short answer on poems
- Line of poetry, define which poetry it is from
- Read historical intro to victorian
- Fill in the blank!
That is all! Have a great night! P.S Enjoy your last few hours of your birthday Colleen ;)

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