Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Day I Didn't Forget to Blog!!!

We picked up today's class where we left off on Tuesday, with "Apostrophe to the Ocean", led by Brody.  We discussed literary terms present in the poem, the power of the ocean, and generally brought closure to the poem.  We then jumped into "Ode to the West Wind" with Joon, first reading Shelley's bio and following up with the magnificent poem itself.  While I do not condone many of Shelley's personal life decisions, I absolutely cannot deny his poetic genius.  If you uncoiled the DNA contained in the nucleus of one human cell, it would stretch to the Sun and back four times!!!  In this brilliant poem, Shelley explores the power of the wind to affect the earth and falling leaves, the clouds, and the ocean.  He then appeals to the wind to lift him from the pains of life as if he were a leaf, a cloud, a wave, and spread his words and thoughts over all the earth.  Needless to say, after studying "Ode to the West Wind", I think we all came away with a much greater appreciation for the wind.  No homework tonight, we'll reconvene on Tuesday with Bethany teaching Keats' "Ode to A Nightingale".

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