Friday, February 22, 2013

Without a Wingman

Joon you left me again.

Today we continued our PowerPoint on overviews of the poems we read as a class, as well as a few that were assigned on Tuesday (When I have Fears that I May Cease to Be, notably). Following that, we reviewed the fill-in-the-blank sheet for the introduction to the Victorian Age. Upon completing the page, we turned our attention to Ulysses, with which we entered a debate over whether the king himself or his son portrayed better characteristics. A fact is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. It cannot be said that a conclusion was decided on, but both sides of the discussion had support. Mrs. Loconte attempted to begin review on Dover Beach, but the clock run out and so did we.

- Read the Biography for Thomas Hardy (p. 652)
- Read The Darkling Thrush (p. 653)
- Study for the History portion of the test on Tuesday! See Joon's blog entry for details
- Enjoy the weekend and feel the sun shining

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