Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Sea

Today was our final presentation and thus the end of the joyous time of no homework. Kimberley did a marvelous job teaching us Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold. It was a poem about the loss of religion and the void that ensues. Kim accurately compared it to today and how so many people try to fill their life with human love, material possessions, and experiences, instead of with God. Mrs. Loconte finished off the poem with us as we read the commentary together. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. We were made aware that there will be a test on Tuesday on the Romantic Era and an essay soon to follow. We talked a bit more about getting shirts, but it seems that that probably will not happen anymore…maybe unicorn buttons…or a yearbook page, possibly with quotes or with pictures of the Lit class just looking really cool. Happy homeworking!


-        Please read: Ozymandias (544), When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be (pg. 559), Crossing the Bar (637), and Prospice (645) for Thursday’s class (which might be someone’s birthday, hint hint!)

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